Vermiculite is a silicate mineral and classified in the group of clay minerals. Non- fibrous and not harmful to nature. Using a special process vermiculite increases its volume up to 30 times. This creates air chambers, which gives the mineral an extraordinary cooling ability and resistance to fire. Notetabely it impresses thru its lightweight and the ability to absorb liquids for a long period of time. Vermiculite is able to absorb and hold liquids up to 500x its own weight.
Vermiculite has a positive effect on the growth of all plants by its ability to absorb and store water, as well as other nutrients, like magnesium, iron, silicium, kalium, calcium, etc and to deliver it when needed. Vermiculite loosens up the soil, and herewith prevents the danger of water accumulation and root rot. Vermiculite substitutes the soil in hydroculture, is used pure in flower and cactus growth.
The advantages of vermiculite in agriculture, fruit and plant growth are: